Iran-developed Application Capable of Meeting Farmers' Demands in Shortest Time Possible
14:33 - September 01, 2022

Iran-developed Application Capable of Meeting Farmers' Demands in Shortest Time Possible

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian researcher said that his company has developed an application for farmers and agricultural engineers to share their problems with experts in the easiest, fastest and most reliable form.
News ID : 56

“Farmers can share their problems with agricultural experts across the country with the help of “Hectare” application,” according to Saeed Safavizadeh, who spoke to ANA news agency correspondent on the sidelines of the exhibition "Age of Hope" (Asreh Omid Event) held and run by the Islamic Azad University in Tehran’s Grand Mosalla in late May.

“In the agricultural field, the need for an application was felt. Therefore, given the fact that we already had this idea in our mind, we created the "Hectare" application, in which two issues were followed up on,” the researcher added.

Safavizadeh, who is the CEO of “Sepidkhosheh Naqsh Jahan” at Isfahan’s Islamic Azad University, further explained that the different categories of agriculture, horticulture, orchard products, livestock and poultry, aquatic animals, flowers and houseplants have been applied on this application for the farmers.

"After joining the software, the farmer chooses his/her own category, takes five photos of their product's problems and they load and explain about that problem for two minutes on the software and clicks the request expert button. This is the point where the farmer’s job ends," he added.

He went on to explain more about the program and said, “When the farmer requests an expert, the application itself automatically introduces five experts in the field selected by the farmer. We have defined two options for our experts, ‘available online’ and ‘Available In Person."

 “If the expert wants to go in person and solve the farmer's problem, we will introduce that expert to him who lives within 40 kilometers from the farmer and will reach out to the farmer within 24 hours and solve their problem. But in the case of online availability, the expert can be from anywhere in Iran and solve the farmer's problems," Safavizadeh added.

 “We have also considered a series of points for experts: the more points they gain, the sooner the application introduces them among the five experts who are introduced to the farmer," he concluded.

Islamic Azad University's "second step of revolution" under the title of Asreh Omid Event was held in Tehran's Mosalla from May 29 to June 01, 2022 to exhibit new achievements, equipments and products in the technological and innovation arenas in line with opening new windows towards strengthening the idea of creating ground for knowledge-based businesses at the 40th anniversary of establishment of the Islamic Azad University.


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