Iran-Developed Smart Web Application Helps Management of Big Construction Projects

“The idea of designing a smart system for managing construction projects was formed in 2017. This platform is the result of university projects that I decided to indigenize in the country,” Amin Borzouiyan, the head of the startup team, told ANA.
“Smart project management systems, which are called ‘BIM’ or (Building Information Modeling) in the world, did not exist in Iran in such a broad way. In fact, this system includes all stages of construction and control of a construction project (design, construction and operation). A construction engineer needs a supervisor to manage all the details from the beginning to the end. These details include supervision of workers, purchase of materials, drawings and a summary of step-by-step coordination with the client,” he added.
Noting that the platform has been designed for large construction projects with an area of 5,000 meters and it is not useful for general users and the product is mostly ‘B2B’ or (Business to Business), Borzouiyan said, “Our slogan for the platform is ‘Any device, Any Where’, and the user can use this system for his/her project without having any special device and only by connecting to the internet.”
“By using the platform, the user, who is actually the employer of the construction project, fully understands the progress of the work through the data that each person responsible for the project registers in the system. For instance, where did the materials come from and by whom? Or at what stage of work are other parts of the project,” he added.
In a relevant development in June, a knowledge-based company in Iran had also succeeded in designing a 3D-imaging software which can help the civil engineers and architectures to construct stronger and better structures.
“Designing three-dimensional structures before building real structures paves the way for development of high-quality products and more safety in the construction market,” Saeed Zaqari, the managing director of the knowledge-based company active in the field of housing and rural development infrastructure, told ANA.
He explained that the company provides services like 3D imaging of structures before construction which accelerates implementation of projects.
“The designed 3D model will be completely similar to the original one and it shows all the parts of a structure in 3D, even switches and sockets, etc., which helps the engineers to implement construction operations and reduces construction costs by 10% to 15% and the cost of duplication of work by 90% to 95% which is significant,” Zaqari said.
“This 3D model is capable of showing the access ways and air intake in structures which can be used to prevent fire. Another function of this 3D model is to show the entire infrastructure existing in the tunnel, building construction, petrochemical installations and sensitive structures of the city like hospitals, etc.,” he noted.