Iranian Company Offers New Method to Treat Refinery Spent Caustic
17:00 - December 03, 2023

Iranian Company Offers New Method to Treat Refinery Spent Caustic

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at of one of the knowledge-based companies in Iran implemented a pilot project to neutralize the spent caustic from refineries that contains polluting contaminants, and according to them, the obtained water after treatment meets the environmental standards.
News ID : 4370

Pourkhalili, a member of the board of directors of a knowledge-based company who played a part in carrying out the pilot project for the neutralization of spent caustic effluent said that the spent caustic effluent is the result of liquid waste of the oil, gas and petrochemical industries, which due to containing high level of contaminants, alkalinity and high salinity and also the high density of sulfide is not easily biodegraded in the environment.

“The spent caustic compounds vary a lot and according to their origin and composition, they are divided into sulphide, naphthenic and cresylic groups. Various methods such as neutralization with sulfuric acid, injection in deep wells, electrochemical coagulation and flocculation, aerobic oxidation, oxidation catalytic, advanced oxidation, biological and physical methods are used for their treatment,” the researcher said.

Pourkhalili said that their company offered a method to neutralize these refinery effluents, adding, “In this method, the purification is done using membrane modules. The wastewater is treated using nano-composite membranes.”

The member of the board of directors of the knowledge-based company further pointed out that the input of this machine is wastewater that has a strong base, and when this wastewater enters it, the neutralization process is first implemented and its PH reaches the level of PH of pollution-free water. After that, the process of removing contaminating solutions in wastewater such as TDS and COD is done.

“According to the standards requested by our customers, the output of this machine is water that will meet environmental standards,” Pourkhalili concluded.


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