Iranian Company Uses Dendrimers to Produce Blood, Water Absorbent Pads
10:30 - September 15, 2023

Iranian Company Uses Dendrimers to Produce Blood, Water Absorbent Pads

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian nanotechnology company to produce special pads which absorb blood and water efficiently by using dendrimers.
News ID : 3592

Detergents and disinfectants with bandages, cotton, sterile gauze and pads are used in the process of wound dressing.

‘Talieh Teb Tohid’ company utilized dendrimers to make the pads used as dressing to facilitate wound healing, prevention of infection and bleeding, maintaining wound moisture and protection of the wound against mechanical damage like scratching.

Dendrimers are a group of highly branched polymers that have many side groups. Polypropylamine and polyamidoaminee are two widely used dendrimers that have an amine terminal group. They absorb and release protons in acidic environment and show antimicrobial properties.

The use of these molecules increases the absorption and antibacterial property of medical pads like sterile gases, cottons and bandages.

Cotton pads produced by the Iranian company have shown higher efficiency in absorption of blood.

Several Iranian companies have presented their nanotechnology-based products to the market to treat chronic burns, acute diabetic ulcers, acute bedsores and chronic wounds.

One of the nano-based products of these companies is antibacterial dressing bandage which was mass-produced in 2001 and it contains silver nanoparticles with antibacterial properties.

Due to the strong antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles, this bandage is used to control infection in burns and wounds as it leaves its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects with the slow release of silver ions.

The antibacterial bandage is used in the treatment of acute burns, diabetic wounds, bedsores and chronic wounds.

Another product recently produced by the Iranian researchers at a technological company is a dressing capable of preventing bleeding in bone, jaw and face surgery within 30 seconds.

“The dressing we have produced can reduce bleeding in bone surgery by 90% in nearly 20 to 30 seconds,” said Keyhan Mehdizadeh, one of the researchers of the project.

“The dressing does not cause infection either. In this dressing, we have used a series of nanoparticles and peptides that have been produced in the form of nanofibers and they provide a substrate for red blood cells and platelets to attach to and easily cause blood to clot and prevent bleeding,” he added.

Mehdizadeh said that the nanoparticles used in the product are gold nanoparticles and a special peptide produced in the laboratory, adding that these types of dressings can be applied in open heart surgery, bone, skull, jaw and face surgeries.



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