Iran to Launch Cord Blood Refinery In Tehran by Yearend
Joshaqani, the director of the agents department of Iran National Cord Blood Bank (INCBB), said on a visit to Semnan that planning has been made to benefit from umbilical cord blood in the treatment of non-hematopoietic diseases and to set up a maternity refinery and receive stem cells.
“Umbilical cord blood stem cells have been used to treat blood diseases such as thalassemia and various types of blood cancers, but by conducting clinical studies and research, we will start using these cells to treat non-hematopoietic diseases such as cerebral palsy, autism, and diabetes from August this year, “ Joshaqani added that
He further announced the planning to launch a cord blood refinery in Tehran by yearend to store birth products such as blood and umbilical cord tissue, amniotic membrane fluid and fetal placenta, adding, “Umbilical cord samples are stored in imported liquid nitrogen tanks at a temperature of minus 196 degrees Celsius, which has been localized with the efforts of a knowledge-based company.”
“Every month, more than 2,000 cord blood samples are collected in the country, and with the families' permission, in the first quarter of this year, 8,500 cord blood samples were collected,” the medical official further noted.