Iranian Company Manufactures Passenger Information System

Iranian Company Manufactures Passenger Information System

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian knowledge-based company designed and produced a passenger information system (PIS) for the domestic transport fleet.
News ID : 2497

PIS is the operating tool responsible for providing, at any time, visual and audio information to passengers at stations and transfer facilities, both automatically or programmed manually.

This product is used exclusively in the subway to inform passengers, announce the station, and broadcast promotional videos, Alireza Bodaghi, the managing director of the company, said.

Of course, this product is included in a subset of software and hardware subsystems, he noted.

All the subsystems used in this system have been produced using indigenous knowledge and technology, he pointed out, saying that the system is currently used in the country's rail fleet.

Reducing maintenance and repair costs, offering warranty and long-term after-sales services, and being compatible with the needs of the operation teams, along with expandability and customization depending on the needs of the operation teams are among the advantages of the system.

The use of this knowledge-based product in some subsystems reduces costs by more than 60 percent compared to imported products.

The company also produces minicomputers for the use of software developers and industrial units.

Based on processing power and hardware interfaces, these minicomputers can meet the needs of the domestic market in the field of electronics.

With higher quality and a much lower price compared to foreign products, the Iran-made system has attracted the attention of domestic companies in the field of rail transportation.


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