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Overlooked Plant Could Help Reduce Food Insecurity

Overlooked Plant Could Help Reduce Food Insecurity

TEHRAN (ANA)- Native to the eastern U.S., Carolina azolla holds excellent potential for use as a fast-growing, short-season crop that requires minimal inputs, upkeep, and processing, according to Penn State researchers.
Unlocking Lung’s Hidden Army of Flu Fighters

Unlocking Lung’s Hidden Army of Flu Fighters

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at the UC Riverside discovered that the sac around the lungs contains macrophages that fight flu infections by moving into the lungs, offering new insights into lung health and potential treatments that enhance the body’s immune response to combat drug-resistant infections.
Scientists Propose New Way to Prevent Spread of Flu

Scientists Propose New Way to Prevent Spread of Flu

TEHRAN (ANA)- Recent research by the NYU Grossman School of Medicine demonstrates that blocking the attachment of virus particles to cell surface molecules in infant mice can significantly reduce the transmission of influenza A.
Engineered Bacteria Eat Waste Plastic, Make Spider Silk

Engineered Bacteria Eat Waste Plastic, Make Spider Silk

TEHRAN (ANA)- Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have created a method to transform plastic waste into biodegradable spider silk using bacteria, providing an innovative and sustainable approach to tackling plastic pollution.
One in 9 Adults in U.S. Experience Long COVID

One in 9 Adults in U.S. Experience Long COVID

TEHRAN (ANA)- About one in nine adults in the United States who have ever had COVID-19 continue to experience Long COVID with a wide range of symptoms, according to new data of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Uncovering Hidden Impact of Pollution on Coastal Marine Ecosystems

Uncovering Hidden Impact of Pollution on Coastal Marine Ecosystems

TEHRAN (ANA)- A collaborative study between the University of East Anglia and the Ocean University of China has identified the ‘Anthropogenic Nitrogen Pump’ in coastal seas and this process, resulting from human-induced nutrient imbalance, causes phytoplankton to alter their nutrient consumption, impacting coastal biodiversity and ecosystem services.
DNA Decoys Outsmart Viruses in Groundbreaking Vaccine Approach

DNA Decoys Outsmart Viruses in Groundbreaking Vaccine Approach

TEHRAN (ANA)- MIT and Ragon Institute scientists created a DNA-based vaccine that elicits a potent antibody response against SARS-CoV-2 and this approach, which focuses the immune response on the target antigen, could revolutionize vaccine development for various challenging viruses.
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