Motorcycle Mechanic Making Scrap Sculpture
News ID : 676
16:09 - November 08, 2022

Motorcycle Mechanic Making Scrap Sculpture

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TEHRAN (ANA)- Hadi Hojjati is a Tehran-based motorcycle mechanic who turns his unwanted motorcycle parts into priceless works of art in his spare time.

What makes scrap sculpture interesting is that, unwanted, old and priceless objects get reborn as a new creature when artists instill their creativity into them.

Junk art is not that much new as it hit the stage in mid-20th century. However, most of scrap metal artists are full-time sculptors who try to make a scene with their strange ideas, which makes the case of this motorcycle mechanic different. This is why Hadi has become the subject of this series of photo shoots by ANA’s photographer.

He is a creative mechanic from Tehran who, according to himself, has been making all kinds of sculptures in small dimensions for about seven years, using scraps and unused parts in his garage.


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