Iran-Made App Used by Transportation Companies of Neighboring States

Iran-Made App Used by Transportation Companies of Neighboring States

TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based company in Iran provided the opportunity for the neighboring countries to use the knowledge-based technological services by developing an online platform for international transportation services.
Iranian Computer Student Produces Bump Mapping Module

Iranian Computer Student Produces Bump Mapping Module

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Islamic Azad University student has produced a bump mapping module using computer techniques and displayed his achievement at Asreh Omid Event.
Iranian Company Develops Most Complicated Mobile Games

Iranian Company Develops Most Complicated Mobile Games

TEHRAN (ANA)- Managing-director of an Iranian game developer company announced production of the most complex and biggest world mobile games in home-made versions.
Iranian Scientists Propose New Way for Optical Detection of Mutations in Sequence of DNA

Iranian Scientists Propose New Way for Optical Detection of Mutations in Sequence of DNA

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers at Sharif University of Technology found a new method for optically detecting mutations in a sequence of DNA which decreases the time and costs for diagnosis and treatment of genetic diseases.
Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Produces AI-Based IT Platforms

Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Produces AI-Based IT Platforms

TEHRAN (ANA)- The managing-director of a knowledge-based company in Iran announced production of platforms based on artificial intelligence (AI) in various fields of information technology (IT).
Iran-developed Software to Help Children Become Familiar with Financial Matters

Iran-developed Software to Help Children Become Familiar with Financial Matters

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian designer of a program titled “Financial Assistant for Schoolchildren” said that she has developed a program capable of helping children obtain knowledge of financial matters.
Using Artificial Intelligence to Help Prevent Suicide

Using Artificial Intelligence to Help Prevent Suicide

TEHRAN (ANA)- A new study by scientists at the University of New South Wales showed that future suicide prevention efforts could be improved by artificial intelligence.
Spain, Turkey, Russia Using Iranian Video Conferencing Software Platform

Spain, Turkey, Russia Using Iranian Video Conferencing Software Platform

TEHRAN (ANA)- A conferencing software platform developed by an Iranian knowledge-based company is being used by clients from Spain, Russia, and Turkey.
Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Develops Dementia Tracking Device

Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Develops Dementia Tracking Device

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian knowledge-based company has developed a smart bracelet to help patients suffering from Alzheimer’s and special diseases.
Facial Movement Allows Hands-Free Control of Devices

Facial Movement Allows Hands-Free Control of Devices

TEHRAN (ANA)- Sensors developed by researchers at University of Glasgow to respond to jaw movement can be connected wirelessly to different devices for hands-free control.