Tiny Ant Species Disrupts Lion's Hunting Behavior

Tiny Ant Species Disrupts Lion's Hunting Behavior

TEHRAN (ANA)- A team of scientists from the University of Florida reports that a tiny and seemingly innocuous invasive ant species is changing tree cover in an East African wildlife area, making it harder for lions, the world's most iconic predator, to hunt its preferred prey, zebra.
Australia Boosts Funding for Invasive Fire Ant Eradication Efforts

Australia Boosts Funding for Invasive Fire Ant Eradication Efforts

TEHRAN (ANA)- Australian governments have increased funding for eradication efforts for the red imported fire ant (RIFA).
Spread Feeder for Shrimp Farms Made in Iran by Using Solar Energy

Spread Feeder for Shrimp Farms Made in Iran by Using Solar Energy

TEHRAN (ANA)- Specialists of a knowledge-based company which produces aquaculture equipment succeeded in designing and building a shrimp farm spread feeding device by using solar energy.
Cloned Rhesus Monkey Grows into Adulthood for First Time

Cloned Rhesus Monkey Grows into Adulthood for First Time

TEHRAN (ANA)- A group of Chinese scientists have reported the first instance of a cloned rhesus monkey that has reached adulthood, an achievement that may offer a promising strategy for primate cloning.
Ants Recognize, Treat Infected Wounds with Antibiotics

Ants Recognize, Treat Infected Wounds with Antibiotics

TEHRAN (ANA)- The African Matabele ants are often injured in fights with termites and their conspecifics recognize when the wounds become infected and initiate antibiotic treatment.
Apes Show Remarkable Memory for Long-Lost Friends

Apes Show Remarkable Memory for Long-Lost Friends

TEHRAN (ANA)- A new study by the Johns Hopkins University demonstrates that apes possess an exceptional social memory, recognizing former groupmates after more than 25 years.
Electricity from Electric Eels May Transfer Genetic Material to Nearby Animals

Electricity from Electric Eels May Transfer Genetic Material to Nearby Animals

TEHRAN (ANA)- In a recent study, a research group from Nagoya University in Japan found electric eels can release enough electricity to genetically modify small fish larvae.
Reindeer Can Sleep While They Chew

Reindeer Can Sleep While They Chew

TEHRAN (ANA)- Reindeer can eat and sleep at the same time, a new study by the University of Zurich suggests, adding to the number of ingenious ways animals can catch some z’s under tough conditions.
IAU Researchers Discover New Fish Food Supplement

IAU Researchers Discover New Fish Food Supplement

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at a knowledge-based company based in Islamic Azad University (IAU) Varamin branch near Iran's capital city of Tehran have produced a fish food supplement, saying that the research conducted on the product showed positive results for the growth of the fish.
How Butterflies Can Help Scientists Detect Cancer

How Butterflies Can Help Scientists Detect Cancer

TEHRAN (ANA)- Inspired by the enhanced visual system of the Papilio xuthus butterfly, a team of researchers, led by University of Illinois, have developed an imaging sensor capable of ‘seeing’ into the UV range inaccessible to human eyes.