Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Develops Software to Manage Maintenance, Repairs

Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Develops Software to Manage Maintenance, Repairs

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian knowledge-based company has developed a computerized program that help the users reduce maintenance and repairs costs in their companies or organizations.
Scientists Have Plan to Turn Earth into Giant Observatory

Scientists Have Plan to Turn Earth into Giant Observatory

TEHRAN (ANA)- Fiber-optic cables stretch across oceans and wind their way underground to handle our communications systems, and scientists at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology think that this vast network of infrastructure could be put to another use; observing Earth's surface from below.
Knowledge-Based Company Develops Iran-Made Software for Phone Directory Database

Knowledge-Based Company Develops Iran-Made Software for Phone Directory Database

TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based company in Iran developed a home-made system to be used in the country’s general phone directory database (118).
New Optical Fiber Keeps Data Safe Even after Being Twisted or Bent

New Optical Fiber Keeps Data Safe Even after Being Twisted or Bent

TEHRAN (ANA)- An optical fiber that uses the mathematical concept of topology to remain robust, thereby guaranteeing the high-speed transfer of information, was created by physicists at the University of Bath.
Iran-Made Search Engine Developed Specifically for Persian-Language Users

Iran-Made Search Engine Developed Specifically for Persian-Language Users

TEHRAN (ANA)- A technological company in Iran developed a special search engine which has been designed specially for the users of Persian language and its different dialects.
Iran to Hold International Investment Conference in February

Iran to Hold International Investment Conference in February

TEHRAN (ANA)- An international technology investment conference will be held in March next year with the aim of attracting financing to accelerate knowledge-based companies and startups and investors in the field of technology.
Iranian Company Produces Safety Tool to Assess Function of Critical Software

Iranian Company Produces Safety Tool to Assess Function of Critical Software

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian company has produced a software tool that aims at assessing the safety of critical software.
Iranian Company Produces Mobile Phone Games

Iranian Company Produces Mobile Phone Games

TEHRAN (ANA) – An Islamic Azad University-based company produces mobile phone games and is cooperating with foreign companies in their projects.
Iranian Researcher Develops Intelligent Building Management System

Iranian Researcher Develops Intelligent Building Management System

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian researcher developed an integrated smart management system for buildings which makes it possible to remotely manage house affairs.
Iranian Company Indigenizes Intelligent Facial Recognition System

Iranian Company Indigenizes Intelligent Facial Recognition System

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian knowledge-based company developed a smart system to recognize the faces of unknown people and record their movements.