Technological Company in Iran Makes Motion Sensors to Detect Thieves

Technological Company in Iran Makes Motion Sensors to Detect Thieves

TEHRAN (ANA)- Specialists at an Iranian technological company managed to design and produce a motion sensor which can detect and alarm the presence of thieves at home or office.
Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Develops Accurate Satellite Positioning System

Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Develops Accurate Satellite Positioning System

TEHRAN (ANA)- A group of researchers at an Iranian knowledge-based company have designed and developed an accurate satellite positioning system.
Brain Implant May Enable Communication from Thoughts Alone

Brain Implant May Enable Communication from Thoughts Alone

TEHRAN (ANA)- A speech prosthetic developed by a collaborative team of Duke neuroscientists, neurosurgeons, and engineers can translate a person's brain signals into what they're trying to say.
Virtual Meetings Tire People Because We Do Them Wrong

Virtual Meetings Tire People Because We Do Them Wrong

TEHRAN (ANA)- Earlier studies suggested that fatigue from virtual meetings stems from mental overload, but a new research from Aalto University shows that sleepiness during virtual meetings might actually be a result of mental underload and boredom.
Having Bad Boss Makes You Worse Employee

Having Bad Boss Makes You Worse Employee

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at the University of Illinois found that employees who prioritize career advancement are strongly affected by abusive leadership while employees who prioritized job security remained just as likely to take charge after experiencing abusive supervision.
Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Designs, Develops Smart Freight Transportation System

Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Designs, Develops Smart Freight Transportation System

TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based company in Iran has designed and produced a freight transportation request system with the support of Iran’s Space Technologies Development and Advanced Technology Transportation Headquarters.
New Research Reveals People with Anxiety Use Less Suitable Section of Brain to Control Emotions

New Research Reveals People with Anxiety Use Less Suitable Section of Brain to Control Emotions

TEHRAN (ANA)- Anxious individuals utilize a less suitable section of the forebrain when making decisions in socially challenging situations compared to non-anxious people, according to a recent study of brain scans by the Donders Institute of Radboud University.
Iran Acquires Technical Know-How for Production of All-Optical Switches for Long-Range Communications

Iran Acquires Technical Know-How for Production of All-Optical Switches for Long-Range Communications

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers at Shahid Beheshti University succeeded in designing an all-optical switch based on atomic-plasmonic resonant coupled system with application in long-range communication networks.
Researchers Reconstruct Speech from Brain Activity

Researchers Reconstruct Speech from Brain Activity

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at NYU Tandon School of Engineering created and used complex neural networks to recreate speech from brain recordings, and then used that recreation to analyze the processes that drive human speech.
Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Domestically Produces Optical Fiber Joints

Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Domestically Produces Optical Fiber Joints

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at a knowledge-based firm in Iran’s Alborze Province have produced optical fiber joints for connecting optical fibers underground to meet the country’s domestic needs.