Iranian Firm Produces 100% Viscose Napkins for 1st Time in Middle East

Iranian Firm Produces 100% Viscose Napkins for 1st Time in Middle East

TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based company in Iran has succeeded in producing 100% viscose napkins (made of natural fibers and silk) which has no equivalent in the Middle East and can clean sensitive surfaces without leaving any scratches.
Iran-Made System Determines Amount of Gluten in Flour, Wheat

Iran-Made System Determines Amount of Gluten in Flour, Wheat

TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based company in Iran succeeded in production of a gluten-washing machine to determine the amount of gluten in flour or wheat.
Iranian Scientists Produce SF6 Gas for Retina Surgery

Iranian Scientists Produce SF6 Gas for Retina Surgery

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian technologists at a knowledge-based company stationed at Pardis Science and Technology Park succeeded in production of SF6 gas used for creating tamponade (pressure) on the layers of the retina during surgery.
Iran Unveils 8 New Knowledge-Based Products at Pardis Sci-Tech Park

Iran Unveils 8 New Knowledge-Based Products at Pardis Sci-Tech Park

TEHRAN (ANA)- The unveiling ceremony of eight knowledge-based products of Pardis Technology Park in the fields of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, polymer and artificial intelligence was held.
Iranian Company Exports Pharmaceutical Products to 9 Countries

Iranian Company Exports Pharmaceutical Products to 9 Countries

TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based pharmaceutical company in Iran has succeeded to mass-produce and export its pharmaceutical products to nine countries.
Islamic Azad University’s Researcher Wins 2nd Medal from IFIA

Islamic Azad University’s Researcher Wins 2nd Medal from IFIA

TEHRAN (ANA)- A researcher of Islamic Azad University’s Boueen Zahra branch won the second place in the 2024 competition of the International Federation of Inventors’ Association (IFIA) in Geneva, Switzerland.
Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Supplies Laboratory Optical Equipment to IPhO 2024

Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Supplies Laboratory Optical Equipment to IPhO 2024

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian knowledge-based firm supplied laboratory optical equipment to 54th International Physics Olympiad (IPhO 2024).
Iranian Technicians Operationalize Building Multi-Phase Flowmeter in Arvandan Oil & Gas Company

Iranian Technicians Operationalize Building Multi-Phase Flowmeter in Arvandan Oil & Gas Company

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian experts at a knowledge-based company have operationalized the construction of a multiphase flow meter in Arvandan Oil & Gas Company.
Iranian Researchers Develop Technique of Nitrilotriacetic Acid to Tackle Water Scarcity in Underdeveloped Regions

Iranian Researchers Develop Technique of Nitrilotriacetic Acid to Tackle Water Scarcity in Underdeveloped Regions

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at the Tehran-based Sharif University of Technology have developed a technique of a nitrilotriacetic acid to increase the durability of the membranes of water desalination devices, which in turn would help underdeveloped regions in Iran with tackling water shortages.
Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Produces Advanced Fire Suppression System

Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Produces Advanced Fire Suppression System

TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based company in Pardis Technology Park in Tehran has introduced an advanced fire suppression system that can extinguish fires in oil tanks, refineries, and oil wells with the least amount of water within an hour.