TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian knowledge-based company that produces advanced material testing equipment and devices is exporting its products to 20 world states.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Several Iranian knowledge-based companies, active in the field of facilities and cooling, heating and air conditioning systems, presented their products in an international exhibition in Tehran.
TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based company in Iran has succeeded in producing 100% viscose napkins (made of natural fibers and silk) which has no equivalent in the Middle East and can clean sensitive surfaces without leaving any scratches.
TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based company in Iran succeeded in production of a gluten-washing machine to determine the amount of gluten in flour or wheat.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian technologists at a knowledge-based company stationed at Pardis Science and Technology Park succeeded in production of SF6 gas used for creating tamponade (pressure) on the layers of the retina during surgery.
TEHRAN (ANA)- The unveiling ceremony of eight knowledge-based products of Pardis Technology Park in the fields of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, polymer and artificial intelligence was held.