Iranian Technologists Produce Spectrophotometers for Different Industries

Iranian Technologists Produce Spectrophotometers for Different Industries

TEHRAN (ANA)- Experts at a technological company in Iran have domestically produced spectrophotometers and have supplied them to domestic factories to help them with measuring the content of silicon dioxide in iron ores.
How Talking to Your Baby in High-Pitched Voice Boosts Their Language Skills

How Talking to Your Baby in High-Pitched Voice Boosts Their Language Skills

TEHRAN (ANA)- Research by the University of Washington indicates that early social interactions, characterized by engaging in “parentese,” positively affect infant language development by enhancing brain activity in areas associated with attention.
Iranian Technologists Able to Indigenize Industrial Devices Using Ultrasonic Technology

Iranian Technologists Able to Indigenize Industrial Devices Using Ultrasonic Technology

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers and technologists in Iran have managed to domestically produce industrial machines using ultrasonic technology, according to the managing director of an Iranian knowledge-based firm.
Connecting Lab-Grown Brain Cells Yields New Insights

Connecting Lab-Grown Brain Cells Yields New Insights

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers from the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo, find that providing lab-grown ‘cerebral organoids’ with connections similar to those in real brains enhances their development and activity.
Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Domestically Produces Electronic Equipment Used in Marine Industry

Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Domestically Produces Electronic Equipment Used in Marine Industry

TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based company in Iran has domestically designed and produced explosion-proof cameras, marine motion stabilizers and fluctuating sea level simulators that are ideal for marine environments. 
Iran to Establish 1st Freelancing School

Iran to Establish 1st Freelancing School

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iran’s first school for freelancers is due to be set up by the University of Science and Culture with the aim of promoting the employment of young people in the digital age.
Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Produces Naval Antennas for Commercial Vessels

Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Produces Naval Antennas for Commercial Vessels

TEHRAN (ANA)- Engineers at a knowledge-based company in Iran have produced marine antennas to help vessels anywhere in the world with finding their direction.
Iranian Experts Improve Telecommunication Networks with Intelligent Management

Iranian Experts Improve Telecommunication Networks with Intelligent Management

TEHRAN (ANA)- A research project titled ‘distributed management and control over telecommunication networks’ was carried out by the Iranian specialists with the aim of optimizing energy consumption and improving the functions of electronic and telecommunication devices.
Iranian Researcher Designs Educational Ecosystem for Teaching Students

Iranian Researcher Designs Educational Ecosystem for Teaching Students

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers in Iran have designed and produced a software that acts like an educational operating system for students to learn different lessons in an environment like a real laboratory.
Iranian Researchers Domestically Produce Automated External Defibrillator

Iranian Researchers Domestically Produce Automated External Defibrillator

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at a knowledge-based firm in Iran have produced Automated External Defibrillator (AED) or automated external defibrillator which is used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.