Neurobiologists Discover How Stress Turns into Fear

Neurobiologists Discover How Stress Turns into Fear

TEHRAN (ANA)- Neurobiologists at the University of California San Diego have discovered how stress turns into fear in the brain — in conditions such as PTSD — and a method to block it.
Scientists Discover Surprising Benefits of Unconsciously Remembering Things

Scientists Discover Surprising Benefits of Unconsciously Remembering Things

TEHRAN (ANA)- A recent study sheds light on how sleep and daydreaming serve as optimal times for organizing and preserving memories for the long term.
Why Depression Hits Women Harder

Why Depression Hits Women Harder

TEHRAN (ANA)- A new study by the University of Tokyo explores depression and heart health disparities between men and women.
New Research Reveals Stressful Days Can Actually Make You Look Older

New Research Reveals Stressful Days Can Actually Make You Look Older

TEHRAN (ANA)- A study by North Carolina State University has found that younger adults feel and look older on days they experience high stress, particularly when they also perceive a lack of control over their lives.
Clinical Psychologist Explains How to Stop Overthinking Things

Clinical Psychologist Explains How to Stop Overthinking Things

TEHRAN (ANA)- Kirsty Ross, an Associate Professor and Senior Clinical Psychologist at Massey University has wrote in his research that as a clinical psychologist, he has often have clients say they are having trouble with thoughts "on a loop" in their head, which they find difficult to manage.
Neuroscientists Discover New Group of Brain Cells

Neuroscientists Discover New Group of Brain Cells

TEHRAN (ANA)- A new study by the University of Copenhagen reveals a key group of neurons responsible for controlling left-right movements, offering insights that could benefit Parkinson’s disease treatment.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Alters Brain Activity in Children with Anxiety

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Alters Brain Activity in Children with Anxiety

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at the National Institutes of Health have found overactivation in many brain regions, including the frontal and parietal lobes and the amygdala, in unmedicated children with anxiety disorders.
Children as Young as 4 Eat More When Bored

Children as Young as 4 Eat More When Bored

TEHRAN (ANA)- A new study carried out at Aston University has shown that children as young as four years old eat 79% more calories when they are bored, compared to when they are in a neutral mood.
Rewiring Children’s Anxious Minds with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Rewiring Children’s Anxious Minds with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

TEHRAN (ANA)- Cognitive behavioral therapy effectively reduces anxiety symptoms and alters brain activity in children with anxiety disorders, offering insights for personalized treatment approaches, a new study by the National Institutes of Health found.
How Alcohol, Drugs Genetically Rewire Your Brain

How Alcohol, Drugs Genetically Rewire Your Brain

TEHRAN (ANA)- A new research by the Brown University reveals addiction has a genetic basis and is influenced by changes in brain gene expression, which can be altered by medications and lifestyle, providing new treatment possibilities.