Decades-Old Medical Treatments Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease

Decades-Old Medical Treatments Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease

TEHRAN (ANA)- A recent study reveals a potential link between past medical treatment with contaminated human growth hormone and the early onset of Alzheimer’s disease in five individuals, underscoring the importance of preventing accidental amyloid-beta transmission in medical procedures.
More Sleep Could Reduce Impulsive Behavior in Children

More Sleep Could Reduce Impulsive Behavior in Children

TEHRAN (ANA)- Sleep is a critical part of a child's overall health, but it can also be an important factor in the way they behave, and according to a new study from the Youth Development Institute at University of Georgia, getting enough sleep can help children combat the effects of stressful environments.
Young Children Close to Parents More Likely to Grow Up Kind, Helpful, Prosocial

Young Children Close to Parents More Likely to Grow Up Kind, Helpful, Prosocial

TEHRAN (ANA)- A new study by the University of Cambridge indicates a strong connection between early parent-child relationships and the likelihood that children will grow up to display socially-desirable characteristics like kindness and empathy.
'All Work, No Independent Play' Cause of Children's Declining Mental Health

'All Work, No Independent Play' Cause of Children's Declining Mental Health

TEHRAN (ANA)- A new study by Florida Atlantic University suggests the rise in mental health disorders in children and teens is attributed to a decline over decades in opportunities for them to play, roam and engage in activities independent of direct oversight and control by adults.
New Study Finds Evidence Daily Multivitamin Supplements Improve Memory, Slow Cognitive Aging in Older Adults

New Study Finds Evidence Daily Multivitamin Supplements Improve Memory, Slow Cognitive Aging in Older Adults

TEHRAN (ANA)- Results of a study showed a statistically significant benefit for cognition among participants taking the multi-vitamin compared to placebo, suggesting that a multi-vitamin could help prevent memory loss and slow cognitive aging among older adults.
Active Children Are More Resilient

Active Children Are More Resilient

TEHRAN (ANA)- According to findings by researchers from the University of Basel, school children cope better with the stress if they get plenty of daily exercise.
Australian Scientists Make Breakthrough in Understanding Love

Australian Scientists Make Breakthrough in Understanding Love

TEHRAN (ANA)- Australian researchers have for the first time measured how the human brain makes loved ones the center of a person's attention.
Most Night Shift Workers Suffer Sleep Disorder

Most Night Shift Workers Suffer Sleep Disorder

TEHRAN (ANA)- There's a problem for the roughly 1 in 10 people who regularly work night shifts, according to a new study: more than half of them have likely developed some kind of sleep disorder, such as insomnia.
Our Perception of Time Can Actually Speed Up Wound Healing

Our Perception of Time Can Actually Speed Up Wound Healing

TEHRAN (ANA)- It seems the time that wounds take to heal is partly down to mentality and researchers at Harvard University have found that healing happens faster when the person involved thinks that time is progressing more quickly than it actually is.
Use These 3 Mind Hacks to Avoid Temptation When Eating Healthily

Use These 3 Mind Hacks to Avoid Temptation When Eating Healthily

TEHRAN (ANA)- Conventional wisdom, grounded in years of research, suggests that the best way to resist unhealthy choices is to think about the long-term consequences.