Billions at Risk of Extreme Temperatures Surpassing Human Tolerance

Billions at Risk of Extreme Temperatures Surpassing Human Tolerance

TEHRAN (ANA)- If global temperatures rise by 1°C or more, billions will face extreme heat and humidity, hindering natural cooling, according to new research by the Penn State College.
Massive Accumulation of Heat Stress in Summer 2023

Massive Accumulation of Heat Stress in Summer 2023

TEHRAN (ANA)- In 2023, rising sea temperatures, amplified by human activities and El Niño, threatened coral reefs, especially around Florida, Cuba, and the Bahamas.
Changing Climate Creates More Noise in Oceans

Changing Climate Creates More Noise in Oceans

TEHRAN (ANA)- Due to the changing climate, the underwater world is getting ever noisier, a new study by the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research showed.
Over 40 Percent of Antarctica's Ice Shelves Reduced in Volume over 25 Years

Over 40 Percent of Antarctica's Ice Shelves Reduced in Volume over 25 Years

TEHRAN (ANA)- 71 of the 162 ice shelves that surround Antarctica have reduced in volume over 25 years from 1997 to 2021, with a net release of 7.5 trillion tonnes of meltwater into the oceans, say scientists at the University of Leeds.
What Phytoplankton Physiology Has to Do with Global Climate

What Phytoplankton Physiology Has to Do with Global Climate

TEHRAN (ANA)- A new study by the Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR) reveals how variations in the physiology of phytoplankton, particularly regarding nutrient uptake, can impact the chemical composition of the ocean and even the atmosphere.
Iran, First Regional Country to Implement Decadal Meteorological Forecasting Models

Iran, First Regional Country to Implement Decadal Meteorological Forecasting Models

TEHRAN (ANA)- A member of the scientific board of the Climatology Research Institute of Iran’s Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences Research Center announced that Iran is the first country in the region that has successfully implemented decadal meteorological forecasting models.
Emperor Penguins Lost Thousands of Chicks to Melting Ice Last Year

Emperor Penguins Lost Thousands of Chicks to Melting Ice Last Year

TEHRAN (ANA)- Thousands of emperor penguins in Western Antarctica lost their chicks last year, largely due to receding sea ice, satellite data suggest.
Some Leaves in Tropical Forests May Be Getting Too Hot for Photosynthesis

Some Leaves in Tropical Forests May Be Getting Too Hot for Photosynthesis

TEHRAN (ANA)- In the upper canopies of Earth’s tropical forests, roughly 1 in every 10,000 leaves experiences temperatures at least once a year that may be too high for photosynthesis, scientists at Northern Arizona University reported.
New Study Finds Relationship between CO2, Temperature at Landscape Level

New Study Finds Relationship between CO2, Temperature at Landscape Level

TEHRAN (ANA)- A new study led by a Chapman University climate scientist is the first to find the relationship between CO2 and temperature at the landscape level.
Finding Solutions to Climate Crisis Requires Collaboration, Experts Say

Finding Solutions to Climate Crisis Requires Collaboration, Experts Say

TEHRAN (ANA)- After our plant experienced its hottest day on record, experts have said that finding solutions to the climate crisis requires collaboration between natural and social scientists.