Tiny Amoebas Move Faster When Carrying Cargo Than Without

Tiny Amoebas Move Faster When Carrying Cargo Than Without

TEHRAN (ANA)- A new study of the carrying capacity of single-celled amoebas conducted by researchers at the University of Potsdam in Germany may help scientists develop mini “trucks” to precisely target disease in the human body.
How Naturally-Occurring Compound Kills Major Drug-Resistant Bacteria

How Naturally-Occurring Compound Kills Major Drug-Resistant Bacteria

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at the University of Portsmouth said that hydroquinine could be an effective weapon against a germ that can cause serious infections in humans, mostly hospital patients.
How Fungi Make Potent Toxins Able to Contaminate Food

How Fungi Make Potent Toxins Able to Contaminate Food

TEHRAN (ANA)- Food contaminated with fungi can be an inconvenience at best and life-threatening at worst but new research by Maynooth University in Ireland showed that removing just one protein can leave some fungal toxins high and dry, and that’s potentially good news for food safety.
Researchers: Caterpillar-Like Bacteria Crawling inside Human's Mouth

Researchers: Caterpillar-Like Bacteria Crawling inside Human's Mouth

TEHRAN (ANA)- Environmental cell biologists and microbial geneticists have just published their new insights in their joint work in which they described the division mode of a caterpillar-like bacteria and their evolution from a rod-shaped ancestor in the people's mouths.