TEHRAN (ANA)- Scientists at the University of Washington School of Medicine/UW Medicine have used machine learning to create brand-new enzymes, which are proteins that accelerate chemical reactions.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian engineers at a technological company developed audio engines based on artificial intelligence which was added to one of the indigenized navigation software named ‘Neshan’.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed a new approach to building deformable underwater robots, using simple repeating substructures.
TEHRAN (ANA)- A global study has found that three out of five people, about 61 percent, are wary about trusting artificial intelligence (AI) systems, reporting either ambivalence or an unwillingness to trust.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at Nanyang Technological University have created an artificial skin that surpasses human skin in its sensitivity to detect pressure applied by an object and its approach.
TEHRAN (ANA)- A team of Iranian researchers have found that a cute little robot named QT may help children with learning disabilities (LD) stay focused.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Scientists at the University of Illinois Grainger College of Engineering developed a physiologically accurate model of octopus arm muscles.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Engineers of a technological company in Iran manufactured an inspection robot based on artificial intelligence (AI) aimed at exploration of oil, discovery of bodies and subjects, and control of transmission lines at a depth of 100 meters.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Scientists can use a combination of advanced machine learning and sequential sampling techniques to predict extreme events without the need for large data sets, according to researchers from Brown and MIT.