Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Develops Contract Management Software

Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Develops Contract Management Software

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian knowledge-based company has developed a system to make it possible to administer the registration of contracts in the country.
Iran-Made Device Capable of Car Tracking, Troubleshooting, Anti-theft Alarming

Iran-Made Device Capable of Car Tracking, Troubleshooting, Anti-theft Alarming

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian knowledge-based company designed a system that can be utilized for car tracking, troubleshooting, and anti-theft alarming simultaneously.
Iranian Researchers Develop Virtual-Well Software for Oil Industry

Iranian Researchers Develop Virtual-Well Software for Oil Industry

TEHRAN (ANA)- Experts at the Iranian Oil Industry Research Institute, in cooperation with academics, developed software to make virtual oil wells.
Iranian Technologist Develops Digital Marketing Platform for Selling at Lowest Cost

Iranian Technologist Develops Digital Marketing Platform for Selling at Lowest Cost

TEHRAN (ANA)- The manager of a technological unit said that by designing a virtual stand on the web platform, business owners are able to sell their products with a reasonable budget and the lowest cost.
Iranian Company Designs Smart Systems for Organizational Management

Iranian Company Designs Smart Systems for Organizational Management

TEHRAN (ANA)- A creative Iranian firm has created smart software programs for holding online classes and digital monitoring and management of offices.
Computer Technology Revolutionised with New Materials

Computer Technology Revolutionised with New Materials

TEHRAN (ANA)- Research conducted at the Paul Scherrer Institute, using the Swiss Light Source, has helped reach a vital turning point in innovating computer technology.
Iranian Startup Designs an Application for Payments by Foreign Travelers

Iranian Startup Designs an Application for Payments by Foreign Travelers

TEHRAN (ANA)- One of the startups located in the Tehran-based Azadi Innovation Factory has developed an application to facilitate purchases and payments in foreign currencies for foreign tourists who travel across Iran.
Iranian Experts Produce 3D Body Scanner

Iranian Experts Produce 3D Body Scanner

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company produced a 3D body scanner at one tenth of the price of foreign samples which can be used for various medical and sports purposes.
Building Computer with Single Atom

Building Computer with Single Atom

TEHRAN (ANA)- New studies by researchers at Tulane University broaden the perspectives on what constitutes a “computer” and how small a computational unit can be.
Knowledge-Based Companies in Iran Receive Analyzing, Testing Services

Knowledge-Based Companies in Iran Receive Analyzing, Testing Services

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian knowledge-based company has offered analysis and testing services to manufacturers in different fields of industry.