Official: Iranian Geologists Succeeded in Analyzing 57 types of Minerals
8:05 - September 06, 2023

Official: Iranian Geologists Succeeded in Analyzing 57 types of Minerals

TEHRAN (ANA)- Head of the Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration of Iran (GSI) Alireza Shahidi said that the country’s geologists have analyzed 57 types of minerals so far.
News ID : 3497

“It was thought that there are 68 minerals in Iran up to now but our data indicates the existence of 81 minerals in the country,” Shahidi said.

“We had analyzed 40 minerals in the past but in the transformation plan, this number has increased to 57 minerals, and these analyzes are based on advanced methods,” he added.

Shahidi also noted that geoscience database is a web-based system where geological information is uploaded, adding that 1,500 layers of information have been uploaded so far.

“Mineral exploration has a share of 7% to 8% in the country's GDP, and if natural hazards are controlled, this amount will be maintained,” he underlined.

Iranian geologists also cooperate with their counterparts from other world states in achieving state-of-the-art science and technology.

In a relevant development in May, Iranian officials and their Austrian counterparts signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to expand mine exploration and geology cooperation.

A bilateral memorandum of understanding between the GSI and the Natural History Museum of Austria was signed to expand the two friendly countries' cooperation in the field of mine exploration and geology.

The memorandum of understanding was signed by Shahidi and Matthias Harzasser on behalf of Katrin Vohland, the head of the Natural History Museum of Vienna, according to which, the exchange of scientific and technical capacities in various fields of geosciences was put on the agenda of the two sides.

Holding geoscience exhibitions, developing scientific cooperation in the joint field mission, data analysis and joint publications, as well as training new technologies in the fields related to the Museum of Geosciences, are mentioned as topics of MoU between Iran and Austria.



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