Mysterious Quantum Phenomenon Lets Scientists Peek inside Atom's Heart

Mysterious Quantum Phenomenon Lets Scientists Peek inside Atom's Heart

TEHRAN (ANA)- Silently churning away at the heart of every atom in the Universe is a swirling wind of particles that physics yearns to understand, physicists found.
Powerful Laser Can Redirect Lightning Strikes

Powerful Laser Can Redirect Lightning Strikes

TEHRAN (ANA)- Like a high-tech hammer of Thor, a powerful laser can grab hold of a lightning bolt and reroute its path through the sky, said the researchers at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris in Palaiseau, France.
New X-Ray Imaging Technique to Study Transient Phases of Quantum Materials

New X-Ray Imaging Technique to Study Transient Phases of Quantum Materials

TEHRAN (ANA)- An international team of researchers demonstrated for the first time the use of a new lensless ultrafast X-Ray method to image phase transitions.
Iran to Hold Webinar on Quantum Computing for Designing Monoatomic, Diatomic Catalysts

Iran to Hold Webinar on Quantum Computing for Designing Monoatomic, Diatomic Catalysts

TEHRAN (ANA)- Semnan Science and Technology Park is due to hold a webinar titled ‘using concepts of machine learning and quantum computing for designing monoatomic and diatomic catalysts for electrochemical application’ with the support of the Iranian Vice-Presidency for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy.
Iran Produces High-Precision Imaging Device with Medical, Industrial Applications

Iran Produces High-Precision Imaging Device with Medical, Industrial Applications

TEHRAN (ANA)- A group of engineers from a knowledge-based company in Iran succeeded in designing and developing a single photon detector for high-precision imaging with application in medical and industrial fields.
Engineers Use Quantum Computing to Develop Transparent Window Coating to Block Heat, Save Energy

Engineers Use Quantum Computing to Develop Transparent Window Coating to Block Heat, Save Energy

TEHRAN (ANA)- Scientists at the University of Notre Dame devised a transparent coating for windows that could help cool the room, use no energy and preserve the view.
New Measurements Provide Glimpse of Quantum Future

New Measurements Provide Glimpse of Quantum Future

TEHRAN (ANA)- A multi-institutional team from the US and Switzerland created an efficient method for measuring high-dimensional qudits encoded in quantum frequency combs, a kind of photon source, on a single optical chip using already available experimental and computational resources.
New Discovery Could Lead to Practical Quantum Computing

New Discovery Could Lead to Practical Quantum Computing

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at Princeton University uncovered a brand-new technique for correcting errors in quantum computer calculations, potentially eliminating a significant barrier to a powerful new field of computing.
Physicists Discover Exotic Quantum State at Room Temperature

Physicists Discover Exotic Quantum State at Room Temperature

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at Princeton University found that a material known as a topological insulator, made from the elements bismuth and bromine, exhibit specialized quantum behaviors normally seen only under extreme experimental conditions of high pressures and temperatures near absolute zero.
MIT Engineers Develop Low-Cost Terahertz Camera Using Quantum Dots

MIT Engineers Develop Low-Cost Terahertz Camera Using Quantum Dots

TEHRAN (ANA)- A new terahertz camera device developed by MIT engineers provides greater sensitivity and speed than previous versions, and could be used for industrial inspection, airport security, and communications.