Marsquakes, Meteorite Hits Show Mars Has Dense Liquid Metal Core

Marsquakes, Meteorite Hits Show Mars Has Dense Liquid Metal Core

TEHRAN (ANA)- The Red Planet has a dense core of liquid iron surrounded by a relatively thin layer of molten rock, researchers report.
Mysterious Swirls on Moon May Finally Be Explained

Mysterious Swirls on Moon May Finally Be Explained

TEHRAN (ANA)- Swirling patterns etched into the surface of the Moon appear to be linked to changes in the shape of that surface, after all.
Planets Are Mysteriously Shrinking

Planets Are Mysteriously Shrinking

TEHRAN (ANA)- NASA scientists have been puzzling over a group of planets that seem to be shrinking. The culprit might be radiation.
Planets Are Mysteriously Shrinking

Planets Are Mysteriously Shrinking

TEHRAN (ANA)- NASA scientists have been puzzling over a group of planets that seem to be shrinking, a report said, adding the culprit might be radiation.
Ring Laser Precision: Unprecedented Daily Measurements Charting Earth’s Rotation

Ring Laser Precision: Unprecedented Daily Measurements Charting Earth’s Rotation

TEHRAN (ANA)- Scientists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have achieved a significant advancement in measuring the Earth’s rotation with unprecedented precision.
Unveiling Saturn’s Secrets: Eclipses Reveal Ring Transparency

Unveiling Saturn’s Secrets: Eclipses Reveal Ring Transparency

TEHRAN (ANA)- A Lancaster University PhD student has measured the optical depth of Saturn’s rings using a new method based on how much sunlight reached the Cassini spacecraft while it was in the shadow of the rings.
Are Saturn's Rings Really Vanishing by 2025?

Are Saturn's Rings Really Vanishing by 2025?

TEHRAN (ANA)- Are Saturn's rings really vanishing by 2025? Jonti Horner, Professor (Astrophysics), University of Southern Queensland, reveals the truth.
Discovering Uranus’ Glow, New Hints for Life on Icy Exoplanets

Discovering Uranus’ Glow, New Hints for Life on Icy Exoplanets

TEHRAN (ANA)- The presence of an infrared aurora on the cold, outer planet of Uranus has been confirmed for the first time by University of Leicester astronomers.
Saturn’s Swirling Seasonal Shifts Revealed

Saturn’s Swirling Seasonal Shifts Revealed

TEHRAN (ANA)- A team of planetary scientists from the University of Leicester has found that Saturn’s late northern summer is experiencing a cooling trend, as huge planetary-scale flows of air have reversed direction as autumn approaches.
Scientists Unearth Gold’s Remarkable Origin Story

Scientists Unearth Gold’s Remarkable Origin Story

TEHRAN (ANA)- New research offers a theory on how gold, platinum, and other precious metals found their way to shallow pockets within Earth’s mantle and scientists at Yale and the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) say they’ve hit the jackpot with some valuable new information about the story of gold.