How Bioinks Could Help Astronauts Survive Long Space Missions

How Bioinks Could Help Astronauts Survive Long Space Missions

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers based in Dresden, Germany are contemplating not only the future of healthcare materials but also their potential applications beyond Earth.
Brain Cavities Swelling in Space May Need at Least 3 Years to Recover

Brain Cavities Swelling in Space May Need at Least 3 Years to Recover

TEHRAN (ANA)- While outside Earth’s atmosphere, fluid-filled chambers in the brains of astronauts tend to adapt to microgravity by expanding but after a space mission, these structures might take three years to shrink back to normal, scientists at the University of Florida found.
China Developing New 7-Seat Crewed Spaceship

China Developing New 7-Seat Crewed Spaceship

THERAN (ANA)- China is developing a next-generation spaceship that features seating for up to seven people, the country's manned space agency revealed.
First Radiation Belt outside Solar System Spotted

First Radiation Belt outside Solar System Spotted

TEHRAN (ANA)- For the first time, astronomy scientists at the University of California have spotted a band of radiation surrounding an object outside our solar system.
Astronomers Detect Star Devouring Planet for First Time

Astronomers Detect Star Devouring Planet for First Time

TEHRAN (ANA)- In a groundbreaking discovery, astronomers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge observed an aging star consuming a planet for the first time, providing insights into our Sun’s eventual fate, which will undergo a similar process in about five billion years.
New Self-Built Hybrid Rocket Could Break World Altitude Record

New Self-Built Hybrid Rocket Could Break World Altitude Record

TEHRAN (ANA)- The Hybrid Engine Development (HyEnD) team at the University of Stuttgart has spent three years developing, testing, and manufacturing its hybrid rocket.
Astronomers May Have Seen Star Gulp Down Black Hole, Explosion

Astronomers May Have Seen Star Gulp Down Black Hole, Explosion

TEHRAN (ANA)- For the first time, astronomers at Caltech have captured solid evidence of a rare double cosmic cannibalism — a star swallowing a compact object such as a black hole or neutron star.
How Does Immune System React to Altered Gravity?

How Does Immune System React to Altered Gravity?

TEHRAN (ANA)- A new study by the University of Barcelona found that after a short exposure to altered gravity, there were no significant changes in the defensive capacity of blood cells in the volunteers.
Astronomers Show There Are 4 Classes of Planetary Systems

Astronomers Show There Are 4 Classes of Planetary Systems

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers from the Universities of Bern and Geneva, as well as from the National Center of Competence in Research Planets, have shown for the first time that there are in fact four types of planetary systems.
Ultracool Dwarf Binary Stars Break Records

Ultracool Dwarf Binary Stars Break Records

TEHRAN (ANA)- Northwestern University and the University of California San Diego (UC San Diego) astrophysicists have discovered the tightest ultracool dwarf binary system ever observed.