

Iran Records 8% Increase in Petrochemical Products Exports

Iran Records 8% Increase in Petrochemical Products Exports

TEHRAN (ANA)- The exports of petrochemical products, which accounted for 44% of Iran total non-oil exports value in the first two months of this year of 1403 in the Iranian calendar (beginning on March 21, 2024), increased by 4.5% in weight and 8% in value, according to the statistics released by the customs administration.
Transit of Goods through Iran Increases 56%

Transit of Goods through Iran Increases 56%

TEHRAN (ANA)- The Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) announced that the transit of goods via Iran has increased by 56.5% in the first two months of the current Persian calendar year (started on March 20).
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