Surprising Diet Change Boosts Muscle Strength, Slows Aging

Surprising Diet Change Boosts Muscle Strength, Slows Aging

TEHRAN (ANA)- NIH study suggests a small reduction in daily calories is beneficial for wellness.
Women Don't Have to Try as Hard at Gym to Reap Long-Term Health Benefits

Women Don't Have to Try as Hard at Gym to Reap Long-Term Health Benefits

TEHRAN (ANA)- Women may not have to dedicate as much time as men to staying physically fit and healthy, results of a new study by the Schmidt Heart Institute in California showed.
Massive Review of Ultra-Processed Foods Confirms Harm

Massive Review of Ultra-Processed Foods Confirms Harm

TEHRAN (ANA)- Ultra-processed foods like cereals and fizzy drinks, have been linked to 32 harmful health effects, according to the largest review of the evidence to date.
Iranian Researchers Make Body Composition Analyzer for Smart Diet

Iranian Researchers Make Body Composition Analyzer for Smart Diet

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers at an Iranian knowledge-based company succeeded in designing a body composition analyzer device that facilitates giving a smart diet based on the organs of each person to the nutritionist.
Salt Substitutes Help to Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure in Older Adults

Salt Substitutes Help to Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure in Older Adults

TEHRAN (ANA)- The replacement of regular salt with a salt substitute can reduce incidence of hypertension, or high blood pressure, in older adults without increasing their risk of low blood pressure episodes, scientists at Peking University Clinical Research Institute found.
Eating Beans Could Aid in Cancer Prevention, Treatment

Eating Beans Could Aid in Cancer Prevention, Treatment

TEHRAN (ANA)- A new study by the University of Texas revealed that incorporating navy beans into the diet of colorectal cancer survivors can significantly improve gut microbiome health, emphasizing the potential role of diet in cancer treatment and prevention.
Children Are as Fit as Endurance Athletes

Children Are as Fit as Endurance Athletes

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers discover how young children seem to run around all day without getting tired: their muscles resist fatigue and recover in the same way as elite endurance athletes.
Physical Exercise Boosts Motor Learning, Remembering

Physical Exercise Boosts Motor Learning, Remembering

TEHRAN (ANA)- Violinists, surgeons and gamers can benefit from physical exercise both before and after practicing their new skills and the same holds true for anyone seeking to improve their fine motor skills, a new research from the University of Copenhagen showed.
Eating Late Can Change How You Burn Calories, Store Fat

Eating Late Can Change How You Burn Calories, Store Fat

TEHRAN (ANA)- A study by Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston suggests eating later in the day can directly impact our biological weight regulation in three key ways: through the number of calories that we burn; our hunger levels; and the way our bodies store fat.
Crash Diet Could Be Seriously Bad Idea for Weight Loss

Crash Diet Could Be Seriously Bad Idea for Weight Loss

TEHRAN (ANA)- Those trying to kick-start their weight loss or perhaps wanting to lose a few pounds before a big event or holiday may be tempted to try a crash diet and while it's true that in order to lose weight you need to eat fewer calories than your body uses each day, in reality crash diets may actually work against you – and may make weight loss more difficult.