Knowledge-Based Firm in Iran Develops Integrated Web-Based Systems for Academics, Industrialists

Knowledge-Based Firm in Iran Develops Integrated Web-Based Systems for Academics, Industrialists

TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based company in Iran succeeded in designing integrated web-based systems for academic and industrial applications.
Iranian Experts Use Virtual Reality to Increase Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Treatments

Iranian Experts Use Virtual Reality to Increase Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Treatments

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian technologist announced designing and development of rehabilitation software with the ability to use virtual reality cameras.
Iranian Scientist, Colleagues Develop 'Unhackable' Computer Chip

Iranian Scientist, Colleagues Develop 'Unhackable' Computer Chip

TEHRAN (ANA)- Nader Enghata, an Iranian researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, and his colleagues have developed a new computer chip that uses light instead of electricity and cannot be hacked.
Iran Launches First Microelectronic Cloud

Iran Launches First Microelectronic Cloud

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iran’s first microelectronics cloud was launched by the Digital Knowledge-Based Economy Development Headquarters of the Vice-Presidency for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy under the National Microelectronics Plan.
Mine Management System Designed in Iran to Maintain Specialized Data

Mine Management System Designed in Iran to Maintain Specialized Data

TEHRAN (ANA)- Specialists of an Iranian knowledge-based company in Iran succeeded in designing a ‘mine management system’ to collect and store specialized data related to the country's mines.
Knowledge-Based Firm Designs First Offline Operator in Iran

Knowledge-Based Firm Designs First Offline Operator in Iran

TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based company has succeeded in designing the first offline operator in Iran which operates in the form of ‘USSD’ codes.
Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Develops System for Providing Fair Services to People in Natural Disasters

Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Develops System for Providing Fair Services to People in Natural Disasters

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian intelligence technologies (IT) at a knowledge-based company have designed and launched a crisis management system that helps officials in the fair distribution of services to the victims.
Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Makes All Types of Surgical Navigation Systems

Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Makes All Types of Surgical Navigation Systems

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian knowledge-based company managed to manufacture different types of surgical navigation systems.
Knowledge-Based Firm in Iran Develops System to Protect Data of Over 500 Organizations

Knowledge-Based Firm in Iran Develops System to Protect Data of Over 500 Organizations

TEHRAN (ANA)- Experts at a knowledge-based company developed a system to protect the communications among users and the organization's servers, and according to them, more than 500 organizations have benefited from the domestically produced system to secure their data.
Web-Based Customizer Software Designed by Iranian Specialists for Different Businesses

Web-Based Customizer Software Designed by Iranian Specialists for Different Businesses

TEHRAN (ANA)- The IT specialists of an Iranian knowledge-based company succeeded in coding and designing a web-based customizer software for different businesses in the country.