Scientists Decode New Antibiotic

Scientists Decode New Antibiotic

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers from the University of Bonn, the USA, and the Netherlands discovered a new antibiotic, Clovibactin, derived from a soil bacterium which demonstrates a unique mechanism against bacterial cell walls, offering hope against resistant “superbugs” and displaying reduced vulnerability to bacterial resistance.
3 Simple Activities to Enhance Cognitive Function in Older Adults

3 Simple Activities to Enhance Cognitive Function in Older Adults

TEHRAN (ANA)- Playing a single 18-hole round of golf or completing 6 km of either Nordic walking or regular walking can significantly improve immediate cognitive function in older adults, according to a recent study by an international research team.
How Our Cellular ‘Antennas Affect Aging

How Our Cellular ‘Antennas Affect Aging

TEHRAN (ANA)- Scientists at the University of Tubingen have linked cilia found on cell surfaces with mechanisms for aging, and they're hoping to help people live longer healthier lives.
Official: Iran Using Cell Therapy to Treat Diseases Other than Blood Disorders

Official: Iran Using Cell Therapy to Treat Diseases Other than Blood Disorders

TEHRAN (ANA)- Managing director of Royan Stem Cell Technology Company announced that the country’s specialists are now using cell therapy to treat diseases which are not related to blood disorders.
Scientists Discover Hidden Way for Us to Feel Touch

Scientists Discover Hidden Way for Us to Feel Touch

TEHRAN (ANA)- Imperial College London researchers discover hair follicles have a unique mechanism to sense touch, releasing neurotransmitters in response.
Scientists Create Antimicrobial, Self-Healing Material to Mimic Human Tissue

Scientists Create Antimicrobial, Self-Healing Material to Mimic Human Tissue

TEHRAN (ANA)- Scientists from the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) have created a new material that can mimic human tissue in the lab and facilitate medical research.
UT Researchers Develop Green Composites Using Rice Straw

UT Researchers Develop Green Composites Using Rice Straw

TEHRAN (ANA)- Tehran University researchers have successfully designed and produced highly resistant and environmentally friendly composites reinforced with rice straw waste.
Stanford Scientists Uncover New Indicators of Health, Disease, Aging

Stanford Scientists Uncover New Indicators of Health, Disease, Aging

TEHRAN (ANA)- A recent study by Stanford University dives deep into the lipidome, revealing its association with health indicators like insulin resistance, aging, and response to infections, and its potential for predicting biological aging and guiding health interventions.
Iranian Scientists Register 2 New Genes in US Genetic Database

Iranian Scientists Register 2 New Genes in US Genetic Database

TEHRAN (ANA)- Two Iranian PhD graduates of Islamic Azad University’s Shahr-e Kord branch registered two new genes in the US National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
Iran Succeeds in Exporting Biotechnology Drugs

Iran Succeeds in Exporting Biotechnology Drugs

TEHRAN (ANA)- Head of Iran’s biotechnology association said that the country’s researchers have succeeded in producing different types of biotechnology medicine and exporting them to foreign states.